No matter when your fiscal year ends, as a business professional, you know that managing your budget and cutting costs is always a priority. When it comes to printing, it can be difficult to cut costs for brochures, newsletters, books, pamphlets and stationery, but product fulfillment services may be just the thing your business needs to pull your printing budget back from the edge.
There are numerous benefits to choosing a business printer that offers product fulfillment services, and here are the top 3 that simply can’t be ignored.
Money well spent on a quality product that’s produced and delivered on time is great. However, ordering small or mid-sized quantities usually means you pay more than you would ordering larger amounts. With product fulfillment services, you're free to order large quantities of your product and cut down on per piece expenses. (Not to mention, free to brag about it to your boss!)
Ordering large quantities to save money is great for companies that have clean, dry warehouse space to store the products. For those that don’t, leftover products wind up stuffed in closets, under desks and along conference room walls, and we all know how well that works. Any printer that offers product fulfillment services also offers to store your extra products for you. Whether you need them delivered in regularly scheduled installments to your office or to your customers, or just simply saved until you find that you need them again, you have the option to choose the delivery method and schedule that works best for you with product fulfillment services.
Your extensive, highly-customized products are what set you apart from your competitors and amplify your brand image, as well as your customers' awareness of it. However, they can make getting a quick turn around time for printing and delivery very difficult. That’s where product fulfillment services come in. Whether you’re storing product instruction booklets, handbooks or preprinted stationery shells, they can be gathered, finished and shipped much faster than it would take to start the printing process from scratch every time you needed to place an order of a frequently used product. While we all try our best to plan ahead, it’s nice to know that your printer has you fully covered in the event something unexpected comes up.
In addition to saving money, space and time, product fulfillment services can provide many other helpful solutions to your business's needs and requirements. Begin a conversation with your printer about your product fulfillment options, or start looking for one that includes the service in their list of products. You’ll wonder why you didn’t ask about them sooner!